At Sage Dental Care, we customize treatment for every patient according to their needs, and we understand that not every tooth can stay in pristine condition. That’s why we provide dental bridges, which offer lifelike restoration for lost teeth. Our team is happy to help your smile overcome obstacles and become beautiful, functional, and confident again. If you have single or multiple missing teeth, contact us to schedule an appointment for a dental bridge in Reno today!
Dental bridges can be used to replace one to three missing teeth in a row. Around the gap, there needs to be one healthy tooth or implant on each side to hold the bridge in place. A dental bridge is a single restoration that consists of one (or more) full prosthetic tooth in between two dental crowns. The crowns on the outside attach to the surrounding healthy teeth or implants and give the bridge its stability.
After you and our team have decided that a bridge is the right treatment for your smile, we’ll need to prepare your tooth or teeth, depending on which bridge you’re getting. Both traditional and implant bridges come with their own pros and cons, which our dentists will be happy to speak with you about one-on-one to best assess your needs and preferences. Below, you can read a bit more about their differences.
A standard dental bridge will attach to teeth sitting adjacent to the gap in your smile. After completing an exam, we’ll make small modifications to the enamel of these teeth, then get impressions so that we can design and create your customized restoration. Once it’s finished, we’ll bond the restoration to your natural teeth, completing your natural-looking smile.
Rather than relying on existing teeth to stay in place, an implant bridge connects to a series of dental implants that are surgically attached to the jawbone ahead of time. Typically, only two implants are needed to hold a bridge. However, the number varies depending on the amount of healthy bone tissue you have. If you want the longest-lasting tooth replacement possible and don’t want to remove enamel from existing teeth, an implant bridge may be more ideal.
With the restored top portion of a tooth, you can regain the ability to use that tooth for biting, chewing, and smiling. In addition, these restorations are crafted to look exactly like natural teeth, which means others may not be able to tell that you had dental work to begin with!
It’s also important to keep in mind that when teeth are missing, neighboring teeth will begin to shift out of place as a way to compensate for the added space. By placing a bridge, whether it’s traditional or held by dental implants, your bridge will work to prevent misalignment of your smile (which can lead to a whole host of other long-term dental problems like jaw pain and overworked jaw joints).
Having one or two missing teeth can make it difficult to enjoy your everyday oral habits like eating and talking. Fortunately, you can effectively replace your pearly whites with dental bridges. While you can expect to enjoy several benefits from these restorations, it’s normal for you to wonder what you can expect from the treatment. To help make you more confident about the process, our team at Sage Dental Care has collected and answered some of the most common questions we get about dental bridges in Reno. Read on or give us a call if you’d like to learn more today!
Our team will ensure your teeth are numb before we begin preparing them to support your bridge. This will allow you to undergo the procedure without feeling much discomfort or sensation in the area. However, you might still experience mild sensitivity around your teeth for a few days following your treatment. This can gradually go away on its own, but you can also take OTC pain relievers to help manage any discomfort. If any sensations persist or worsen over time, be sure to reach out to us as soon as possible.
Dental bridges are not designed to be removed unless your dentist needs to replace them. With proper care, you should be able to preserve them in your mouth for many years. These restorations are not to be confused with partial dentures, which some people call “removable bridges.” While partial dentures are similar in that they replace several consecutive missing teeth, they can also be removed by the patient at any time. Your dental bridge should only be removed by your dentist in Reno.
Dental bridges can replace around one to four consecutive missing teeth depending on the patient’s situation. On average, however, most of these restorations are used to restore one or two, as this allows for greater stability. The further a bridge connects, the less secure it becomes. This is especially so if the natural teeth supporting it aren’t healthy. To prevent this risk, you may have to get implant bridges that are directly anchored to your jawbone.
After your procedure, it may take some time to get used to your new teeth. They should begin to feel more natural within a few days following your treatment. This is due to them being made out of durable materials, like porcelain, which is strong enough to handle the excessive pressure from chewing. Your dentist in Reno will also ensure to reshape your supporting teeth so that your restoration matches perfectly with the rest of your smile. For this reason, it should feel comfortable and normal to eat your favorite meals with your bridge.