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5 Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

October 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 12:09 am
Woman with porcelain veneers

Are you looking for a way to fix the imperfections of your smile? Everyone wants to feel like they look great when they show off their teeth. Not only does it improve your confidence, but it also can affect the way others see you. After all, your smile is often the first thing people see when you walk into a room. Porcelain veneers are a great option for covering up cosmetic dental issues. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist about the many benefits of porcelain veneers in Reno.


5 Traits of a Beautiful Smile

October 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 7:24 pm
Woman with perfect teeth

Everyone wants to have a smile that makes them feel confident, but what exactly does that mean? Have you ever put any thought about the changes you would make if you could? It can be difficult to determine what exactly people find beautiful when it comes to teeth, but there are certain characteristics that tend to be more desirable than others. Continue reading to learn more from your cosmetic dentist in Reno about the smile traits that people prefer.


Gum Recontouring – Who Is a Good Candidate?

August 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 12:42 pm
Woman smiling after gum recontouring procedure

What do you think of when you hear cosmetic dentistry? For many, flashes of teeth whitening treatments, porcelain veneers, and clear aligners come to mind. However, one popular treatment option that is often overlooked is the highly transformative gum recontouring procedure. If a crooked gum line or “gummy” smile leaves you feeling insecure, a cosmetic dentist in Reno is sharing common causes and traits that make someone a good candidate.


Prepping for Patients: The Steps a Dentist Takes to Get Ready for Your Visit

June 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 3:17 pm
a male dentist in Reno wearing personal protective equipment before seeing a patient

Your dentist in Reno is in the business of serving others. Not only do they commit to enhancing, repairing, and restoring your smile, but they will do everything they can to ensure your health and wellbeing are in optimal condition. Because of this level of dedication, they also believe in taking every possible precaution to keep you safe during your appointment. With COVID-19 remaining a threat, additional measures are being taken to better protect your dentist, team members, and you. Spend some time learning what steps they’re taking to maintain a positive and germ-free environment.


Can You Combine Cosmetic Dental Procedures?

June 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 1:09 am
Woman at dentist in Reno

Everybody has unique goals for their smile. Fortunately, there are many different solutions to all sorts of insecurities in the mouth. With cosmetic dentistry, nothing is one size fits all, so you can choose whatever works best for you and your own personal needs. This may mean combining different treatments in order to get the outcome you desire. Your dentist in Reno shares more about different types of cosmetic proceduresand how they can be combined to give you your dream smile.


4 Tools Your Dentist Is Using To Stop COVID-19

May 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 9:45 am
A dentist in Reno uses protective equipment.

While dentists are glad to be reopening their doors to patients, they know that providing care isn’t as simple as it once was. COVID-19 is still a problem in the community. As a result, they are adding new policies and pieces of technology in their offices to keep everyone they interact with safe. For example, your dentist in Reno is now using more advanced forms of personal protective equipment. If you want to know what types you can expect to see at your next visit, keep reading.


Social Distancing in Dentistry: Is It Possible?

May 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — sagedentalteam @ 9:49 pm

Social distancing at dentist in Reno.Social distancing is key to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. As the spread of the virus declines, your dentist in Reno can reopen their doors to see patients again, but how will you keep your distance? Despite the size of the facility, it is possible to maintain social distancing when visiting your dentist. In fact, your dentist has implemented several changes to limit contact between patients. Here are 5 changes you will see to help you keep your distance.


Maximizing Your Dental Hygiene Products While Sheltering in Place

April 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 12:56 am
woman brushing her teeth before visiting dentist in Reno

With the COVID-19 virus impacting American lives, most local governments have issued orders to shelter in place to slow the infection rate. That means you suddenly have more time on your hands. An excellent way to utilize it is to step-up your dental care habits. However, you don’t want your supplies to be dwindled down, especially given the fact that there are limited quantities at stores. As you continue reading, a dentist in Reno explains how to get the most out of your dental hygiene products.


Got a Dental Emergency During COVID-19? Visit a Dentist, Not the E.R.

March 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 7:32 pm
A man with dental pain.

During the current pandemic, COVID-19 has forced people to make dramatic changes in their daily lives. More people are working from home than ever before and local public health officials are advising everyone to stay in their homes as much as possible. On top of that, dental practices are largely closed for appointments except for dental emergencies. According to an emergency dentist in Reno, there are many reasons why you should visit a dental practice to handle a major dental issue and not the emergency room. Keep reading to learn why!


Essential Oral Care Tips You Need to Know During COVID-19

March 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 9:31 pm

With the current pandemic causing huge interruptions throughout the country, it’s more important than ever to stay vigilant about at-home oral care. If you are diligent about your routine dental exams and cleanings, you’re probably wondering why you can’t schedule an appointment at this time. Thankfully, you can learn exactly why dental practices are largely closed and what you need to do to protect your oral health until they reopen for preventive services from a dentist in Reno!

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