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Is My Tooth Dead? Your Dentist Explains What This Means

October 16, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 10:44 pm

A woman covering her mouth.You took a fall off of your bike a few weeks ago, but you weren’t really injured. However, lately you’ve noticed a change in the appearance of your front tooth. It is very subtle, but it appears to be getting darker. Are you going crazy? No one else seems to notice. Should you contact your dentist? The answer is – yes. Always contact your dentist if you are noticing changes in your teeth or oral health. Your tooth may be dying and here’s what that means and what you can do.


Your Dentist in Reno Explains More About Avoiding Gingivitis

October 12, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 8:56 pm

dentist patient If you want a beautiful smile—and most people do—you need to put your gum health first. Your dentist in Reno wants patients to understand why gum health is so important and keep you far from it’s biggest threat: gum disease. Learn more about it’s beginning stage (gingivitis) and how to ward it off altogether here.


Your Teeth Can Reveal Secrets about Your Overall Health

September 7, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 3:48 pm

Examining teeth with dental mirrorYour teeth and gums hold important secrets about your oral health. However, they do more than just give insight into the health of your mouth. Your dentist can learn more about your overall well-being, too. In some cases, the issues found in your mouth can indicate a larger health issue that is brewing beneath the surface. With your dentist’s findings, he can create a customized treatment plan to protect your dental health.

How the Latest Fad Diet Can Hurt Your Oral Health

September 2, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — sagedentalteam @ 7:56 pm

Sugar cubes spelling out sugar freeWe all want to look and feel our very best, and cutting sugar out of your diet may seem like a great start. However, if you’re exchanging sugar-filled snacks for sugar free options, you may not be doing your oral health any favors. In fact, sugar substitutes can lead to just as much tooth decay and plaque buildup as real sugar. Maintaining an adequate preventive dentistry routine will help limit the impact of sugar and artificial sweeteners on your oral health, but consuming large amounts of so called “sugar free” products can become a real problem for your smile.

Filling Fall Out? See Your Emergency Dentist Right Away

August 21, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 6:42 pm

man with toothacheYou’re enjoying a delicious dinner when you suddenly notice an unusual crunching in your mouth. Don’t blame your spouse for putting rocks in your food! It’s possible that one of your fillings fell out. When this happens, it’s important to visit your emergency dentist in North Valleys as soon as possible. Why do you need to receive care right away?


When You Need Somebody – Call Your North Valleys Emergency Dentist

August 17, 2017

Father and daughter with missing teeth need their emergency dentist Do you have a toothache? Did you just have a tooth knocked out or bend your denture? It’s time to call Sage Dental Care. Your North Valleys emergency dentist and team are here to help when you need somebody to repair dental damage and put the smile back on your face. Our compassionate team will walk you through at-home care and schedule an appointment to see you as quickly as possible. In most cases, we’re able to see patients on the same day that they contact us.

9 Months of Dental Care from Your Dentist in Reno

June 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 2:12 pm

Your dentist in Reno doesn’t use dental x-rays on pregnant women. The human body is truly amazing. It can take DNA from two people and develop a whole person all within one person. As you can imagine, the woman’s body undergoes numerous changes—from her hormones to simply the way she walks as her baby grows within her. But did you know even her oral health will change? In fact, women who are pregnant become high-risk dental patients that need to visit their dentist in Reno, either Dr. Josh Branco or Dr. Ah Young Kim, more than twice a year.


How to Choose the Perfect Cosmetic Dentist in North Valleys

June 13, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 12:50 pm

Your dentist in North Valleys uses Digital Smile Design. There are times where we wish we could just push a quick button and reset something about our lives. Have you felt that way about your smile? There are flaws that have come to surface your teeth over the years of wear and year and you’re finally ready to correct them, but you don’t know where to start or which dentist to choose. We can show you where the starting line is: with your cosmetic dentist in North Valleys at Sage Dental Care. We have the services you need to feel confident in your smile again.


How To Use Mouthwash – Your Dentist In North Valleys Explains

May 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 2:16 pm

Did you know that mouthwash can help prevent against cavities and keep your gums healthy? Follow these rinse tips from your dentist in North Valleys. When you think of taking care of your teeth at home, what do you think of? Like most people, you probably envision brushing and flossing twice a day. And while we at Sage Dental Care, your trusted dentist in North Valleys, are thrilled to know this is what you think of, we’d like to provide you with the third element of your oral hygiene trifecta: mouthwash. This product not only makes your breath fresh and your mouth feel clean, it can also help prevent cavities and treat other common dental issues. Learn more about the best ways to use mouthwash from our team in this post.


How Often Should I Visit My Dentist In Reno?

May 7, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — sagedentalteam @ 1:32 pm

Preventive dental care like routine cleanings and checkups from your dentist in Reno is the best way to keep your smile happy. Did you know that many Americans go years between appointments with their dentist in Reno? Whether this lapse in oral healthcare is caused by dental anxiety, lack of insurance, or just plain forgetfulness, going too long without professional checkups and cleanings can leave your smile – and your entire body – at risk for major problems. That’s why the team at Sage Dental Care, your trusted Reno dentist, explains just how often you should visit them in this post.


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