Invisalign is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that became available in the late 1990s. In the last 20+ years, the clear aligners have made even more impressive advancements while simultaneously helping millions of patients around the globe achieve their dream smile. But are they a good fit for patients with dental crowns, veneers, or bridges? If you’ve found yourself wondering something similar, then keep reading for the answer!
Braces with Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are a popular restorative solution that can restore the function and aesthetic of a tooth compromised by severe damage or decay. While this tooth-saving “cap” doesn’t automatically disqualify you from being a good candidate, there are some factors that need to be considered. For example, are your teeth strong enough to bear the pressure that the clear aligners exert on your teeth? If so, then Invisalign is an option. However, your treatment plan may be extended so your dental team can keep a close eye on how your teeth are moving.
Braces with Bridges
Unlike dental crowns, more than one tooth is attached, which can create a problem. If your misalignment isn’t too severe, then you may still be a candidate. However, if you are looking to fix spaced-out or crowded teeth, your dental team may be able to cut the bridge into sections. This ensures that your teeth can be efficiently guided into a new position, but a new dental bridge will likely need to be made following your treatment.
Braces with Veneers
Since veneers are anchored to the front-facing surface of your teeth, it is possible to get braces. However, it depends on how many teeth have been treated and which dental issues you are looking to address. Since attaching metal brackets to veneers is complex (and can damage their smoothness), Invisalign is a great choice. Just make sure to discuss the pros and cons in-depth with your dental team.
Thanks to advancements in Invisalign’s technology, virtually everyone is a candidate. With that being said, it is important to discuss all your options with your dentist, especially if you have dental restorations. So, if you are ready to address crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth, don’t wait to schedule your initial consultation!
About the Practice
At Sage Dental, patients can enjoy the latest in proven dental technology, a comprehensive array of services, and a skilled team of professionals. We know many of our patients want to enhance the appearance of their smile by undergoing Invisalign treatment, which is why we go above and beyond to ensure your existing restorations don’t stand in your way (and that they are preserved during the process). If you are interested in learning more about how dental crowns, veneers, and bridges play a role in orthodontic treatment or are simply interested in scheduling your initial consultation, visit our website.