With winter drawing to a close, spring allergy season is right around the corner. But while many people are all too familiar with the painful side effects of seasonal allergies like sinus congestion, itchy eyes, and frequent headaches, they are often less aware that pollen allergies can cause oral health problems, too. Here’s how your smile could be affected by seasonal allergies.
Sinus Pressure
Have you ever had allergy-related sinus pressure so intense that you could literally feel it in your teeth? This happens because your sinuses are so close to your mouth that pressure caused by sinusitis can be felt in your teeth, making it seem like you have a toothache. Thankfully, this poses no risk to your teeth, but if you do suffer from a toothache that is related to an oral health condition, it can be difficult to tell the difference. Thus, if you notice this type of pain, speak to your dentist or physician just to be safe.
Dry Mouth
Another way pollen can disturb your oral health is by causing dry mouth. This can be due to mouth breathing from congestion in your sinuses, or even due to the types of medications you may be taking to combat your allergies. Either way, if this sounds familiar, it’s important to stay hydrated. Dry mouth can increase your risk of cavities and gum disease because without adequate levels of saliva you are unable to wash away dangerous bacteria and harmful acid from your teeth and gums.
Sore Throat
Finally, if you suffer from a sore throat, this can easily harm your teeth and gums if you cough. It can also cause painful swelling in the lymph nodes, as well as dry mouth.
What to Do Next
If you believe you have seasonal allergies that are causing you oral health problems, speak to your dentist about the next steps. Often, a moisturizing mouthwash can be prescribed to help combat dry mouth and reduce the risk of cavities and infection.
If your symptoms linger and you cannot get relief from over-the-counter allergy medication, speak to your physician or allergist about solutions that can make it easier to breathe clearly while keeping your smile safe from harm.
Remember, seasonal allergies don’t just wreak havoc on your sinuses, they can also cause pain and damage to your oral health. Keep your smile safe this spring. Schedule an appointment with your dentist to ensure your teeth and gums are in great shape all season long!
About Our Practice
At Sage Dental Care, Dr. Branco and Dr. Kim work together as a team to help ensure their patients get the highest quality of care. Whether you need a cleaning and check-up, a smile improving cosmetic dentistry treatment, or are suffering from unexpected dental pain that could be the result of seasonal allergies, they’re proud to assist you.
You owe it to yourself and your smile to take oral health problems caused by seasonal allergies seriously. Don’t suffer in silence. Schedule an appointment with us today by visiting our website.